
Let's build something together

Ohmpage Website Screenshot


React / JavaScript / Express / Node / MUI / Sass / MySQL / Knex



Inspired by www.weboas.is (which went offline in Feb 2022); a minimal, yet functional customizable homepage riddled with interesting links to web tools, forums, developer resources, etc. Having used weboas.is religiously on every browser and computer I've owned over the past 5 years as the default homepage, I found many cool, interesting and helpful websites via this hub! Now, I have filled that rather large void with Ohmpage. Sorted into categorical icons below the search bar, links are served in a dropdown list with pop-out labels offering brief descriptions. As well as being a link-hub, Ohmpage offers the user the choice to change their background, theme (light/dark) and search-engine, with preferences saved locally in browser storage.

* This project sadly went offline when Heroku took away their free tier

Tech Stack:

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Node
  • MUI
  • Sass
  • MySQL
  • Knex